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WHEN: October 11th-13th, 10am-3pm
WHERE9th Annual Black Sustainability Summit
HOW: Agritour Storm

WHY: To view the BIGGER📺PICTURE of 

Low-Income, Vulnerable, & Energy-conscious (((LIVE)))℠ Communities

through Agritour Storm Windows🪟℠.


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Carbon Farm Planning using COMET-Farm: Part 5

Carbon Farm Planning using COMET-Farm: Part 5

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1st Annual Organic Agritour Workshop 2
1st Annual Organic Agritour Workshop 3

The Agritour Guide's 2nd Annual Organic Agritour "TRIP T➲ THE CON🌱C.R.E.T.E.℠ leads Organic Producers, Distressed Communities, & Community Service Clients to 5 Steps, 

  1. Consistency

  2. Reliability

  3. Efficiency

  4. Transparency

  5. Effectiveness,

to confidently stand on as foundational principles which help them break through systemic barriers to “Social, Economic, Ecological, & Digital (SEED) growth & opportunities within urban and rural clusters of disinvested greenspaces known as CON🌱C.R.E.T.E. Climate Jungles℠.

TRIP T➲ THE CON🌱C.R.E.T.E.℠ establishes the grounds to convert as many disinvested greenspaces into thriving areas for S.E.E.D. resistant to systemic barriers while rerouting organic wastes from landfills and implementing them into climate-smart conservation practices.

S.E.E.D. that sprout from CON🌱C.R.E.T.E.℠ are secured by 4 G👣D Roots℠ as resource solutions to systemic barriers which restrict the cultivation of "Grounds for Opportunity through Organic 

Decarbonization (GOOD)℠ within Climate Jungles of Georgia's Soil & Water Conservation Districts.

  1. Social sprouts secure G👣D Roots for Socially Disadvantaged, Historically Underserved, Veteran, Urban, & Rural Organic Producers,

  2. Economic sprouts secure G👣D Roots for Able-bodied, Disabled, Immobile, Socially Disadvantaged, Historically Underserved, Veteran, Urban, & Rural Disinvested & Distressed Communities,

  3. Ecological sprouts secure G👣D Roots for the aquaponic, hydroponic, or aquacultural wastewaters of Historically Underserved, Veteran, Urban, & Rural Producers,

  4. Digital sprouts secure G👣D Roots℠ for Court-ordered Community Service Clients who cannot perform "On-Scene Conservation Activity Roles (OSCARS)℠.

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